Guiding Principles
It all started when…
Stephanie Mines received guidance on November 8, 2016 to launch a Climate Change & Consciousness conference, where our community began. These guiding principles continue to inform our work and shape our contribution to the more beautiful world we know is possible.
Guiding Principles of
Climate Change & Consciousness
• Transformations in consciousness derive from direct experience and reflection, and from a willingness to step into the unknown and emerging.
• Many underestimated voices and populations, such as indigenous peoples, people of color, women, and youth, are absolutely essential in leading us at this pivotal time.
• Truly regenerative and sustainable climate action is rooted in inner climate transformation.
• Leadership today comes not from one individual but rather from a groundswell of voices for our living earth.
• Like healthy natural places, whole systems contain all they need to be balanced and well.
• A spirit of experimentation and agile prototyping combined with cultivating relational skills and community generates better results faster.